Channel Strategy Whitepapers.

will you fail your channels whitepaper

Whitepapers – Will You Fail Your Channels?

For you to meet your three and five year business objectives, your distribution channels must be able to do their part of the job.

how to avoid channel failure whitepaper

Whitepapers – How to Avoid Channel Failure

Like so many things in life, you can only control what you do, not what others do. As a marketer, you can control channel selection, channel program development and the implementation of your channel programs.

riding the wave whitepaper

Whitepapers – Riding the Wave: Channel Strategy Alternatives

Customers learn more about how to buy, use and support products as markets evolve, causing the channel’s role to change. The figure above illustrates the evolution from high valueadded, high gross margins to low value-added, low gross margins.

chase for higher value whitepaper

Whitepapers – The Chase for Higher Value

Many industrial marketers are trying to make the transition from selling products to providing customers total solutions. As many have found out, this is a daunting task.